Student pilots have options when it comes to obtaining their licenses. They can go the traditional university route, attend a flight school, or work directly with a flight instructor.

Student pilots have options when it comes to obtaining their licenses. They can go the traditional university route, attend a flight school, or work directly with a flight instructor.

Working directly with a flight instructor is the most cost effective way to go about obtaining your license because it cuts down the overhead.

Finding a flight instructor can be difficult because there’s no centralized place to search for instructors in your area.This is where the Aircraft Instructor app comes in. It’s the easiest way for students to find instructors, and for instructors to find new students.

The industry has a lot of room to grow and is in perfect need of disruption.The app has hit their first 100 users, but there is little movement.

The app has hit their first 100 users, but there was little engagement between students and pilots. We’ve gotten students and instructors onto the app, but now we need them to lock down flight lessons. Without students and pilots engaged, the company won’t be able to grow development as projected and face financial hardships.


  • Get students and pilots to engage & book flight lessons.

Target Users:

  • Student Pilots

  • Instructors

Success Metrics:

  • Messages

  • Bookings

  • App Revenue


  • Small development team

  • Hyper-focused feature releases

From the beginning, the company was always very good at communicating directly with the users. When I was brought on board, I had direct phone access to key student pilots and instructors.

Instructors told me that although the app did find them new students, outside of that, there was no other real benefit of managing their students through the app. They felt limited in the way scheduling worked and that was a big reason for them not to engage more with the app.

Insights & Analysis:

  • I talked to the development team daily and made a list of questions to help guide our conversations.

  • What does a Flight instructor care most about

  • What would make them engage more with the app?

  • How can we make the availability system better?

Insights & Analysis:

I talked to the development team daily and made a list of questions to help guide our conversations.

    • What does a Flight instructor care most about?

    • What would make them engage more with the app?

    • How can we make the availability system better?

Direct feedback from instructors tells us that the changes are exactly what they were looking for and are excited for the new experience.


    • Our engagement with instructors grew

    • Instructors used the app more

    • We increased revenue by 20% while still in beta.

Future Changes:

    • Add even more control from overrides. Allow Schedule groups to attach to certain airplanes.

    • Continue to gamify the experience.

    • Bring in Instructor goals

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force them to drink.We were doing great at bringing people to the app, but the usability was keeping them from engaging more. User experience matters for user to even OPEN the app.

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